Tuesday, February 3, 2009


As I mentioned in my kitty 911 post, I mentioned that my in-laws went to India.  Here's the story.  So my Mother-in-law was having issues with her knees.  She went to doctors here in town and they determined that one knee needed replacement and the other was on it's way there.  Well after researching how much it would cost here without health insurance....they don't have any!!...they determined going to India would be the best option for them.  You wonder wow it must be a big difference to go all the way to India for knee replacement.  It is $100,000 for here and $20,000 for India and that includes airfare and 3 weeks there in their care including food.  BARGAIN!  

However, is it a bargain?????  Do you think they get the same treatment there as they do here?  My MIL feels she did.  She doesn't have anything to compare it to.  They did the surgery as soon as she got there on both knees.  They moved her to a care house where the therapists came to her and exercised her legs. Father-in-law also stayed there with her.   

The problem now arrives when they got home.  MIL is having a hard time finding a place to take her for physical therapy.  She needs to get a doctor to agree that she needs therapy.  I assume they do this for liability.  So MIL is hoping that her original doctor who did the prelim work will work with them.  Or she can find someone to come to their house on the side and do exercise with her.  I think that you need to have machines to help with leg/knee muscles.  Again she is trying to find the *cheaper* way.  Should you be cheap with your legs that you need for the rest of your life???

Here are a few pics from their adventure that aren't super exciting.  

Would I do it? Probably not. I'm still not comfortable going somewhere that I know nothing about their hospital system where problems could arise.  Then again if I had no insurance and needed it....maybe.  While they were there they met a woman who was there for a PACE MAKER and a couple gastric bypass surgeries.  So they aren't the only people taking advantage of this deal.  They also said they read that some insurance companies will pay 100% if you go over there since it's cheaper for them too.  You think our healthcare system is messed up yet?????  

They did say that the country is beautiful, but the poor are very poor and the rich are very rich.  They also visited the Taj Mahal and said it was amazing!  

All in all so far she is glad she went and looks forward to not walking slowly hunched over.  Let's hope the therapy starts soon :)  See how interesting my family is????? :)

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