Monday, March 29, 2010

New Moon Party Cupcakes and Brownies

Last night my girlfriends and I had a New Moon party. New Moon is the 2nd book in the Twilight series and the DVD just came out. If you haven't read the Twilight Series, I'm not sure you are from this planet :) All of us have read the books and of course taken sides as too who Bella should be with Vampire Edward or Werewolf Jacob. (I'm a Team Jacob fan all the way!!) I decided to make Vampire cupcakes and a Werewolf Brownie tray for the party. It started with my usual superb baking skills.....cupcakes and brownies from a box :) For my Vampire Cupcakes I *borrowed* the idea from another website of making red velvet cupcakes and frosting them with white cream cheese icing. I then punctured 2 holes (vampire bites) and adding blood (red glaze). They made me want to suck your blood....snort :)
Werewolf brownies were a little trickier. I couldn't find any great ideas to steal especially using brownies. So I had to improvise :) I thought about my cake decorating and decided I could DRAW a werewolf on the brownie tray. If you know me or are one of my former students...I CAN NOT DRAW!!! But after using my favorite tool....GOOGLE...I had a sort of template.I told you that I can't draw :) However, I was able to see what I liked/didn't like and was able to make this.I placed my much improved template on the brownie tray and outlined it with left over cream cheese frosting from the cupcakes. I used my standard ziplock baggie with the corner cut off. The face features I had to do free hand. Not bad, huh???? All of my friends were impressed :)

Our party was fun! We had spaghetti for dinner (Volturi are in Italy and that's what Bella and Edward had to eat the first time). My desserts for dinner. And during the movie we had popcorn drizzled with blood (butter with red food coloring). I love having friends that enjoy the fun things in life and of course it's always great to hang out and talk with the girls!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

School Easter Picnic

Today is the start of Spring Break for Little Lion. However, his preschool did their Easter Picnic which of course included an Easter Egg Hunt! I picked LL up from his classroom and they were wearing their festive hats.For the egg hunt the kids could only find 6 eggs. Do you know how hard it is to get a 3 year old to understand that??? He wanted to keep picking and picking ;) And what is the first thing you do after finding all the eggs??? Eat Jelly Beans!!After all that excitement we had a picnic. We sat with LL's friends H and B.
Then it was off to the playground. Notice my gangsta child with his Easter hat backwards :)And LL's FABULOUS teachersWhat a great way to start off Easter!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What a weekend!

We were busy busy busy this weekend!!! Friday night was Daddy/Son fun night! We were given tickets to Mickey's Roadtrip Show at UCF....thanks Dena!!! So off they went to watch the show. Of course all the characters were there.Little Lion now knows all of their names ;) LL really liked the Toy Story part. The green army men and especially when Buzz came flying down from the sky!!
Don't forget about the dancing...And the big BANG at the end!

On Saturday we spent the day at Magic Kingdom celebrating LL's cousin, J's 4th birthday!

And yesterday we started SOCCER!!! It is the cutest thing watching 3 & 4 year olds running around CRAZY!!!! :) Here are Mr.E and LL practicing before the rest of the kids get there.
Then LL's friend H came who is in his class at school and on his team. Then it was time for a team huddle. Look how LL sits. He's a pro already!

And that is when the craziness started...actual practice. Having 10 kids running around after balls without really knowing what they were doing was a sight to behold!! I'm sure they'll get more organized and better as the time goes by! I can't wait to watch it happen!
The DINOSAURS will be ready for a win in 2 weeks!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boom Boom Pow!

One of Little Lion's favorite activities is jumping! We bought him a huge trampoline for the backyard a little over a year ago. He has become a pro!

Mr.E had the brain idea last night to bring out the music while they jumped together. Little Lion's song of choice was Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas. He even showed Dad his newest trick....Jumping to his butt and then back up to his knees. LL was singing Boom Boom Pow and jumping to his butt to his feet over and over and over. Mr.E was amazed at how long he could do this. Mr.E counted TEN times.

I wanted to check it out for myself today. LL was only jumping a few times. Here's the video.
The next video I took he did that continuously for over a minute and a half!!! The file was too big to download to show you. So the short video will do! I think if there was an Olympic sport for trampoline jumping from your butt to your feet, LL would get a GOLD!!!

PS..Happy St.Patrick's Day!! Maybe it was LL's green outfit that gave him the luck to do all those jumps ;)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Birds AGAIN!!

Last year I posted this blog post about bird invading our area. They were circling in a tornado fashion. Well they are back!!!!!

This is our yard. What I found kind of interesting is that they were here in April last year. I wonder if that means spring will come early!!! Let's hope so! Here's a video I took out our backyard. Don't mind my use of the word CRAZY over and over! Really it was Crazy :)