Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Tricks

Little Lion has been doing all sorts of new things this week that are funny. One of his tricks has been doing the "Single Ladies" dance. You know the one where Beyonce shows here hand and turns it showing no ring on her finger. Well LL has his own version from rocking out to the Chipette's song.

His newest trick is doing flips. He is now strong enough to push himself over. It's all fine and dandy except we are working on not falling off onto the floor since he flips on the couch, on the bed, and everywhere else.

Having boys is so much fun!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baseball instead??

Soccer has been going much better these past couple of weeks! Little Lion didn't even cry today at his game!! And he even went out on the field and stood there. Baby steps people, baby steps;o)

However we came home today and LL wanted to play baseball with Dad. And by baseball I mean LL holds his guitar and throws the ball at Dad;o) LL actually isn't too bad at throwing the ball. We may have a pitcher on our hands! Check out the video...I know college scouts start searching this early :)


Yes readers I know Easter was TWO weeks ago, but I've been busy with working. I've been helping out at Little Lion's preschool since the crud has been going around. So here are our Easter pictures finally ;)

The morning started off by seeing that the Easter Bunny had visited our house and left eggs all over.

The Easter Bunny also left a basket with goodies in it. Little Lion's favorites were the Chipmunk Squeakquel Movie and his paint book. After church we headed over to my parents house. Amazingly the Easter Bunny stopped there too!
Here LL is with us and Grandma and PopPop.
Now back to the rest of April;o)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Soccer Game=Fail!!

Little Lion's first soccer game was on Saturday. All started out well when they got their jerseys. LL is number 7 just like Dad was back in the day ;)
He was doing a great job running around the field with his teammates.
However, once the game started, it went downhill FAST!!!! He didn't want to play and when it was his turn to play he started crying and crying! Then he decided he wanted to get down, but took off running all the way across the field to the next field over. He did this TWICE!!!! Both times I had to run after him and we walked to the car and had discussions. I was embarrassed to be the Mom to THAT child!! He finally calmed down enough to go out, but the game was over;( We lost and I'm sure it's because Little Lion's great soccer skills were missed...haha

He was kind of cooperative for his team picture. As soon as we got home I put him down for a nap. He usually naps in the afternoon, but after all his crabbiness and no nap the day before because of our beach trip, he was OUT!!! LL was in a much better mood after his nap. I hope next Saturday will be better. I'm pretty sure it can't be worse ;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter weekend was a blur with all the family activities!! However, readers, that means many blog posts to come. I won't bombard you in one day, but give you something to look forward to ;)

First up is the yearly Easter Egg dying! Little Lion was definitely more into it this year! He thought it was *ewwwww* when we added the dye pellets to the vinegar.After the initial ewwww factor, LL enjoyed watching the pellets fizzle.He helped the process along by stirring the mixture. However, I stopped that quick when I realized dye was going through the paper onto my pretty new granite counter tops ;)LL enjoyed dunking the eggs into the colors. He was very specific as to what colors HE wanted!What did we do with all the eggs we dyed?? I made a sweet little nest for them to be displayed on the big island in the kitchen. Such Easter Fun!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Break = Beach!!

We finally have great weather here. As a friend J stated on facebook that Florida went from winter straight to summer :) It's been in the 80's and gorgeous just in time for spring break!! Yesterday we packed up and headed to the beach with everyone else in Florida. Little Lion hasn't been to the beach in about a year. I was interested to see how he would react to the sand and water. Last year he preferred to stay on the blanket and play nearby. Now he is venturing off and playing with the sand and building "castles with princesses" and then destroying them :)His newest adventure is jumping the waves even in the COLD ocean water! He is such a jumper and has realized the waves aren't going to carry him out into the ocean. I even caught it on video!!

My favorite picture of the day is of my two boys!!!Sooo Sweet! What a relaxing fun day! LL can't wait for another beach day!