Friday, February 25, 2011

Space Shuttle!

Here in Florida we have the advantage to be able to see Space Shuttle Launches! We have been waiting since October for the final launch of Discovery! Little Lion LOVES space shuttles (he got TWO for Christmas) and LOVES watching them go off. We have been to a few actual launches, but we knew this one was going to be crazy since it's the last. We opted to view it from our house! Here is Little Lion anxiously waiting for lift off!
Here is what Flower Power thinks of her first launch...haha
Since we are 45 mins away from Kennedy Space Center. We start off watching it on TV and then head outside to see it from our backyard. I thought I'd video it since it'd be the last one for a loooonnnnnnggggg while ;( This is how Florida people watch shuttle launches!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Have you ever had one of those days were one thing irritates you and you end up being irritated all day long?? For example, when you have a crazy dream about your husband doing something silly and you wake up thinking he did it even though he didn't and now you're irritated!! Or maybe I'm just crazy ;) Well this morning, an event caused me to be irritated and I just can't shake the feeling until....I started playing with Flower Power. She's so sweet and thinks I'm the funniest lady in the world :)

How can you stay irritated after that?????

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dance Party USA!

Last night we were having a dance party in the living room. Little Lion thinks he is a break dancer:) Mr.E thinks he is a break dancer too!! Little do they both know, and I sure won't tell them, that the neither of them is one!! Mr. E would DIE knowing I put this on the blog....yup great hubby who doesn't read it is out of luck!!! This is too good to pass up and makes great blogging!!! Enjoy our fun Saturday night! haha

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pretty Girls!

Today was our newest niece's Baptism which means we get to dress up. I like dresses... a lot....but never wear them and hardly put them on Flower Power. I feel they are fussy when they are on. However, whenever we wear them, I like the look of it! So here are the pretty girls of the day.This cute dress for FP comes with a black shrug, but since it was 80 out today!!! Too hot! FP was not a fan of the bow, but how can you not put a big ole bow on the top of her head???Thanks Shelley for getting this cute dress for Flower Power! Everyone thought she was super cute!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a sweet day I've had!! This morning, Mr.E got a surprise gift in his office :) Little Lion got valentine donuts, and Flower Power got a heart balloon! I had to wait for Mr. E to come home to make me a fantastic dinner and wine with flowers! However, one of the highlights of the day was signing up LL for Pre-K!! Are you kidding me???? My first baby is starting Pre-K??? Really where does the time go? He is growing up quick! My babies are so sweet!

Hope your Valentine's Day was as nice as mine :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

School Time!

I feel I've been blogging about Flower Power a lot lately. She is growing so quickly and doing new things daily. Little Lion on the other hand has become a typical 4 year old boy....running from the camera ;) However, I need to recognize that he too is growing quickly and learning new things! LL has been going to "school" since last year. Last year he only went 2 days and this year 3 and next year 4 and then to kindergarten for a full week...insert tears here!!!

Every week at his school, students from the class are recognized for Fruit of the Week. It sounds silly but it's traits God wants the children to show. This week the Fruit was Cherries which represents Love. LL was selected by his teacher. I'm not sure how much love he shows at school, but here at home, LL shows it a lot! He tells me daily that he loves me and always kisses FP on the head which melts my heart!! Here is my proud boy!

One of the items LL needed to work on was writing his name. I've been trying to get him to practice. His name is very easy to write and only 3 letters! However, when I try he gets the L but then gives up or gets uninterested. Ok, fine, I'm not going to be that mom who pushes. Well we were doing Valentines and I wanted him to sign his name. Would he...No!! Well Mr.E tried to bribe him with letting him stay up for a bit and watch tv in our bed. He still didn't want to. pushing remember;)

Well the following evening, LL is coloring and proceeds to write his whole name!!! And then adds ok I want to watch tv in bed;O) Mr. E and I cheered which made him laugh. Here's a closer view! Am I saving this paper...sure am!!!
Proud Mama of a great kid!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February Fun!

Even though we are only on day 5 of the month and most of those days, Little Lion has been feverish, we've managed to do lots of fun things around the house. Hey I had to keep 2 kids occupied instead of spreading germs to the world :) Here is Flower Power hanging out in the Bumbo seat! Like I said Little Lion wasn't feeling great, but my cuddler still cuddled with his friend, Giraffe. While the northern people have been dealing with snow, we've been enjoying beautiful weather here. Mr. E took FP on a swing ride.Since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, LL decorated our sliding glass doors with owls and hearts...I'll Owlways Love You :)Little Lion enjoyed playing with FP's month stickers. He thought he should wear one too. Big Sister, Little Brother ;)And lastly, Little Lion and Flower Power were being especially smiley today! I LOVE THEM!!!

So Sweet!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Two Months!

I've survived TWO months with 2 kids! It hasn't been too bad, but it helps that Flower Power sleeps pretty well and Little Lion is a mellow kid. FP continues to smile all the time for us, but more so when Big Brother is around! Her head control is pretty good. She loves her floor mat and does a great job at kicking the toys especially the noisy ones! She's starting to fill out and weighs about 11lbs. Here is Flower Power smiling at me this morning.
We've started putting her in the Bumbo seat to strengthen her neck muscles and she watches Little Lion. She's a thinker.And lastly how can anyone resist this sweet child!!