Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Soccer Game

Today was the last game of the season. Coach Mr.E was happy and sad to have it over. It's a lot of work to coach, but rewarding since we won all but 1 game! Goooo Dinosaurs!!! Here is our team.
Our breakfast of champions was donuts! A favorite in this household!
Little Lion still didn't play very much, but he did block a goal kick....on accident :) After kicking some soccer butt, Coach Daddy and LL.Then we headed into the cafeteria to have our end of the season celebration. All the kids received trophies.
The yummiest part was the pizza, cupcakes, and cookies!
As a thoughtful thank you gift, the team parents pitched in and bought Coach Mr.E a gift card to Dardin ;) So nice! Our first season down and many, many to go with hopefully more Little Lion field time!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pet Sitting!

We have a new addition to the household for the week.....MAX the Hamster!

Max is Little Lion's cousin J's Hamster. J and his family are lucky enough to be spending the next 2 weeks in Italy! We only have Max for the week since Grandma is really babysitting Max.

Max is very easy to take care of. He hangs out in the top of his cage during the day. And much to everyone's dismay, he rides his noisy wheel ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!!!!! UGH! Max's other favorite activity is the ball.He goes all over the house in the ball. He even rolled right out the open sliding glass door to the patio! It's amusing to watching him scurry about like he's actually going to get out...insert evil laugh here :)
Nonetheless, LL has enjoyed having Max here. No that doesn't mean we want one :) And for fun, LL's CHEESE smile ;)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Yesterday morning, I got to sleep in :) Little Lion came in when breakfast was ready and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!" I giggled :) He meant Happy Mother's Day, but I'll take it! I guess both days are celebrating Mom!

Our weekend was spent celebrating Moms. We made our parents homemade Topsy Turvys. The Topsy Turvy is a green, plastic container where you plant your tomatoes upside down. I found online a much cuter version which was easy to make. You take a coconut moss basket and cut a hole in the bottom. You push the tomato plant through and then you add herbs or flowers to the top. We did one of each for our Moms.
It was simple and about the same price as the Topsy Turvy, but WAY cuter!! Little Lion's craft kept with the theme. He glued a flower that I cut out on paper, but left the pedals unglued. I even let him cut out the circle :) Under each pedal, I wrote a reason why Little Lion loved his grandma.

Saturday, we spent with Mr.E's Mom and family. We went to Cracker Barrel and over to their house for cupcakes. Sunday morning, we celebrated ME :) Mr.E made breakfast and he and LL had bought flowers and made me a noodle heart. I also got (a month ago:) Maui Jim sunglasses!! We headed to the beach for some sun. Unfortunately it was super windy! So windy in fact that it covered our blanket. You could see the sand coming at you. So needless to say, we didn't stay long. We did manage to play for a bit in the sand and water.
After we headed to my Mom's house to grill out and hang out in the pool. It was a great day! And it's nice to feel appreciated whether it's Mother's Day or my Birthday :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Muffins with Mom

Little Lion's preschool celebrates Mothers Day by having Muffins with Mom. So this morning I went to school with LL. We got into the classroom and LL found his gifts he made for me. Here's a closer picture of my gifts. The paper is too cute. It says (LL filled in the blanks)....My Mom's name is MAMA. She is TWO years old. My Mom is as pretty as MAMA. My most favorite thing I do with my Mom is SWING. What does Mom do while you are at school? AT HOME (I do nothing :) haha) My favorite thing my Mom cooks is FOOD. It was neat to see what he thinks about me and to tell me how young I really am ;)

Next LL started to color on the paper table cloth while we waited for all the Mom's to show up. Mommy drew too.
Then we went to circle time where the kids sang us songs like Slippery Fish, 5 Ducks, and the Mother's Day song which ended with a big hug :) What a great morning! It was sweet to watch him in his element!

Monday, May 3, 2010

You Can Drive My Car!

Summer in Florida is already in full effect!! It's easily 90 degrees already!! So we try to stay around the house and play since we can go inside and cool off every 30 mins or so. Well that means that I have to find new and exciting activities to entertain Little Lion. Today he decided he wanted to try a toy we've had for a while that he hasn't been interested in....a motorized go cart! LL is a very cautious child (you wouldn't know it sometimes though). He knew that it moved, but was nervous. Today he decided to try it out. I think I have a race car driver on my hands or just a son who drives like his father :) LOL!!!

If you haven't noticed, I'm in love with my iphone and the video function! So easy to catch the fun stuff!!!!