Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mr.E's Discovery Channel Show!

We had just gotten home from church/lunch and went out on the back porch to play. Little Lion was playing tee ball. Mr. E was watching him when he started thinking "Wow there sure are a lot of birds dive bombing around the house". Then he started to walk back into the house by me when he noticed the cat in the corner of the porch. Mr. E immediately grabbed LL and gave him to me and said "You don't want to come out here!" I ask why, when he points to the corner. Here is what I saw.....SNAKE!!! A black 3 ft long racer snake. Ok that was after grabbing my camera ;) And the cat was really in front of him protecting LL. The cat didn't want the snake to go near him and the snake was scared of the cat. Here's a better view of him once the cat moved out of the way...he was done protecting us since we went inside. Mr. E has grown up catching snakes. He used to catch them when he lived in St.Cloud as a boy and sold them to Reptile World for $2-3 a snake. Some of them were even poisonous!!!! His mom let him keep them in jars in the garage. Can you tell he comes from a family of 4 boys!!! Anyway, so Mr. E is definitely NOT afraid of snakes especially nonpoisonous ones like this racer. He went and got gloves on and a stick. He was going to try and shoo it out the door, but the little snake was not so cooperative!The snake didn't want to leave the side of LL's play house. Mr. E decided to grab him by the head and pick him up and put him outside AWAY from the house.

No fear for my husband :)After catching it, Mr. E went and released it into our small jungle behind the house. We won't be playing outside for a while to make sure the snake has time to slither far far away ;) I'm so proud of my snake hunter!!!


Tara's Telling Tales said...

We had one the other day, he is now resting in peace...I don't do snakes! Mr. E is VERY brave!!!

Regina said...

Ewww! I hate snakes. I even hate the word slither. It makes me shiver ;o)