Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kitchen Remodel Day 9 Continued

Sooooo I was a bad blogger who didn't update the rest of day 9 and then I got busy with my birthday and all :) Yes I'm giving excuses!!

Friday was *supposed* to be the last day of the remodel. Not to surprisingly, it's not done. Friday started out good and then went to chaos to frustration! As you saw from the previous post the tile guys were there to finish the backsplash and floors. The electrician was there to hook up the outlets to the island and hang the lights. The plumber was there to install the faucet and dishwasher.

Everyone knew what they were doing and what they needed to get done. The problem was that they were in each other's way. The tile guys couldn't get the grout down with the plumber/electrician in the way. Frank couldn't do the backsplash because the electrician was moving the cable outlet over. Finally at 4 the plumber got done allowing way for the grout to be put down. The electrician wanted to be done too ( you know Friday night party and stuff)...I think he got careless. He put up our 3 pendant lights. Do you notice anything odd?????They aren't evenly placed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is an inch difference between the first light and the second. UMMMMMM you are a professional (and he did tell Mr. E that he was perfectionist....LOL) don't you think you'd be able to measure correctly???? I think Mr. E could have done just as good of a job and not have charged us an abundant amount of money!!!! They will be coming back out here sometime this week! I'm not paying until I'm happy!!!! I just hope another hole in the ceiling doesn't make it look worse!

There were a few other issues. Frank couldn't start the backsplash due to personal issues beyond his control which I understand. There were a few tiles that weren't laid flat compared to the others. The holes cut into the island to put the outlets in were sloppy. However, Jay came over yesterday and addressed all my concerns and is going to fix them. I just find it crazy that people don't put their best work in the first time! Why wouldn't you want to do the job right when you're just going to have to fix it later??? Or do customers not pay attention???? If I'm paying money for anything at FULL price ;) I expect the best! At least Ameritiles is coming through to fix all my issues (kitchen ones not mental ones ;)

AND the biggest issue of the day......Appliances!!!! We moved in our appliances and YUCK!!!!!! They stuck out like a sore thumb being while and all. So off we went to get new black ones for my birthday ;) They should be arriving early next week!
Here are the eye sores and another view of our uneven lights.
On a happier note, we installed the wine fridge and it looks great!! Little Lion has enjoyed turning the light on and off....next we'll get one that you can lock the buttons ;) The blue tape is for the mistakes I saw.The tile guys and carpenter are coming out tomorrow. So hopefully the back splash and crown molding will get done! I'll be taking pictures!

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