Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I lost one of my favorite diamond two-toned earrings that were a gift from Mr. E for my birthday 3 years ago.  This was one of Mr. E's most creative ways of giving me a gift.
Mr. E and I bought a Volvo S40.  We picked it up in Sweden by doing the overseas program which is where you are given a discount on a Volvo and 2 FREE round trip tickets to Sweden.  When you are there you are able to drive your car around Europe and then drop it back off at the Volvo factory and they send it back to your local dealer which takes a month or so.  We took the trip in late June and drove around Sweden, Denmark, and Germany.  The car arrived 3 days before my birthday.  Here in Florida, school starts pretty early.  Well my birthday happened to be the first day of school...yuck!  Well Mr. E bought these earrings and put them in my new car with a note saying I needed new accessories for my new car ;)  So sweet and totally unexpected and made my first day of teaching and birthday more exciting!

***FLASHFORWARD to yesterday***
Little Lion and I were at Publix  our local grocery store.  Little Lion was being a PITA (pain in the ass).  He wanted the balloons that are used to decorate all the sale items in the store.  I was holding him telling him that he didn't need them.  Little Lion was angry and flailing all about.  I heard something hit the floor.  I looked down and saw nothing.  So LL calmed down and we moved on.  Later that evening, I was getting ready for bed and realized that my earring was missing.  I was so upset!  I instantly realized that it was probably what had fallen in Publix.  So I called Publix.  Nope no earring found!  However, they hadn't swept the floors yet.  So I get dressed and drive over there to take a look for myself.  Nope not there.  Hmph!  I left my number at customer service just in case.  Nothing as of today though.  

As you can tell I'm upset about it.  Mr. E doesn't seem to mind as much as I do.  He says OH Well I guess it's time for a new a pair.....Ok Mr. Moneybags ;)  Remember we're going to Hawaii in one month and two days!!!!!!!!  

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