Friday, August 22, 2008

6 Random Things About Me

So I was reading another blog and the post was 6 random things about themselves.  Hmmm I thought this might be interesting.....

1.  My unique special talent is that I can touch my tongue to my nose.  Ok not so attractive, but a skill many can not achieve. Little Lion thinks it's funny to watch.  I wonder if he'll be able to do it??  Mr. E finds it amusing too:)  hehehe

2.  I used to not have curly hair.  I had straight hair until 4th grade when I started getting perms.  Yes I am a child of the 80's and perms were cool!  I continued to get perms on a regular basis, but in 8th grade my perm never went away and I've continued to have curly hair ever since.  I hated it all through high school since straight hair was now the craze.  However, I have grown to love and accept my curls most of the time :)

3.  I graduated college in 3.5 years.  If you haven't noticed I am a thrifty kind of gal, and saving tuition money was my kind of thing.  I didn't take any AP classes, but I did CLEP out of a semester of college.  I was asked to go to Florida Southern College and take some basic class tests to earn credits as well as interview for a scholarship.  I got the credits and some $$$. Mom and Dad thank me much ;)  Maybe that's why they bought me a new car (Chevy Cavalier Convertible) when I graduated?!

4.  I must have at least one Coke a day.  I am a Cokeaholic!  I love Cherry Coke the best.  I really don't like Pepsi, but it'll do in a pinch when I need caffeine.  When I was pregnant, Mr. E was adamant about me giving up caffeine, but there was no way that was possible.  I went down to only one a day with the rest being water.  I also have a stock pile of Coke (again thrifty) of when it was on sale for 5 for $11.  I <3>

5.  I love to travel!  I've been to 10 countries as well as 23 states.  I've traveled to Canada, Bahamas, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, England, France, and Monaco in the past 10 years.  My passport needs to be renewed this year :)  In the USA, I've been to Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington DC, and Wisconsin.  And soon adding Hawaii!!!!!  Ok so that's not so random, but I did sing the States song to get those listed stated in order....thanks to teaching 5th grade geography;o)

6.   I have a cat named Batman.  No he isn't black and doesn't fly through the sky.  He is named Batman because I am Robyn.  Get it Batman and Robyn :)  hahaha  Yes I thought it was funny! He is 9 years old and has been with me a lot longer than Mr. E.  I got him as a kitten from the pound when I first moved out on my own and was living alone.  He is the coolest cat around.  Batman has a great personality.  He is usually laid back.  He loves to sit in the window or outside on the screened porch.  Batman enjoys catching lizards and bringing them to me...YUCK.  He is so gentle with Little Lion.  And his favorite spot to sleep is on top of my head!  Mr. E is a little jealous ;) 

Here's a vintage picture of Little Lion and Batman :)

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