Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fun with Firemen!!!

First off, get your mind out of the gutter :)  Little Lion and I went to the fire station today with a new playgroup.  We had a great time!  It was really interesting to tour the station and get to see all of the equipment on the trucks and meet some nice firemen :)

LL and I got our picture taken in front of the biggest fire truck. You think he wasn't interested, but he was watching the other fire truck pull out of the garage. Once he got down he went right to it. The flashing lights were a big hit!

All the kids got really cute firemen hats. Leo wouldn't wear his, but our friend V looked adorable in hers!

The firemen even let the kids *put out the fire* or try and hit the cone with the fire hose. LL was a little scared, but definitely interested when V and her mom Y were giving it a try.

At the end one of the firemen put on all of his gear. Some of the kids were scared and I thought for sure LL would be....NOPE! He was checking him too :) He was a cutie (I can look, but not touch ;).

All in all, the fire station is a fun outing for the munchkins and mommies too!! Gotta give love to the firemen who were patient with all of our 2 year olds and are always there for us when needed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think J is too young to appreciate the Fireman Field Trip? Because Mama wants to go check them out!!!!! ;o)