Monday, June 16, 2008

Wii fit problem!

I think there is something wrong with our wii fit!! So Friday night Mr. E and I had a date night planned. My mom came over to babysit Little Lion. She arrived here early, and we decided to wii fit it up. My mom is a young 61 years old. She enjoys hula hooping on the wii fit. Mom is getting better at it, but not even close to 1st place....she's in 9th ;) But hey you have to give her props for even working at it. So far up to this point she has only done the hula hooping. I suggested she try another game. She decided to do the tight rope walking. This is where you have to balance on the board while *walking* stepping up and down without tipping over. Now Mr. E and I have each only gotten across once without falling hundreds of feet off the rope. Wouldn't you know Mom gets across the thing on her 1st try!!!! And then proceeds to do it again breaking all of our records!!!!! I think the wii fit must be broke! How could my 61 year old mother beat me and Mr. E????? All I can say is that she has been gloating since and won't let us forget. I say the wii fit *MUST* be broke :) Ok off to attempt to break the record ;)

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