Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Visit With Old St. Nick

Since Little Lion is really into Christmas this year and starting to get over his fear of strangers, I thought we should try and sit on Santa's lap to tell him what we want for Christmas! My girlfriend C and I decided to load our 3 boys and our 2 pregnant bellies and head over to Downtown Disney. You are allowed to take pictures with your own camera which means FREE!!! Disney also takes pics too, if you'd to purchase them.

We got there early, so we could get in line first. However, we decided we needed to kill time since there was no one there. We headed to the playground.

As we were walking back toward Santa, we saw a nice set up of Christmas trees. Here are the 3 boys! It's hard to get them to all look!!! And LL and I ;)

My girlfriend C and little C got in line a half hour early (2nd place!) while I watched LL and big C play around.

Finally Jolly Ole St. Nick arrived! He was such a CUTE Santa!!!

LL did NOT want to sit on his lap, but would let me hold him while talking with him. Santa asked LL what he wanted for Christmas. LL replied, "A Giraffe!" Santa asked me what I'd like. "Baby Sister to arrive SOON!!" Santa asked LL if he wanted Baby Sister too. LL's reply....."NO! Just a Giraffe!!!!" Wow such excitement for a new sister ;) You can tell where she ranks!! Here's the best shot we got.I'm going to browse the Disney pics, but they haven't been posted yet. I'll post them if they are good.

Don't forget to vote for Flower Power's stats, if you haven't already....lotto tickets!!

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