Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Every Baby Is Celebrated!

Since this is my second baby, I wasn't planning on having a shower for Flower Power. However, a couple of my Mommy friends, D and L, informed me that "All Babies Are Celebrated!"Here I am looking a little tired and a lot pregnant at 32 weeks.Dear friend, L, was kind enough to open up her home to celebrate FP's arrival and made all of the food! D, the crafty lady that she is, made all the decorations and took all of the photos I'm sharing today! Plus she is even fancy enough to put them in a collage :)

When ladies get together there is a lot of chatting, laughing, eating, and celebrating the new little lady. And you can't go to a shower without a little spoiling!

I'm grateful for the wonderful people in my life who helped celebrate!
This great friend made the delicious cookies pictured above from her business, Cookie Cutter Creations
And you can't go to a shower without playing games. D made super cute favor/game clothespin babies for everyone. (Tutorial on her blog) I being the competitive person that I am :) WON!!That evening, Mr.E, was nesting and put up FP's newest accessories to her underwater mermaid nursery. My great hostesses made for her. They have such talent!!!
I am so grateful to have wonderful, caring people in my life! I couldn't have asked for a better shower and appreciated all the hard work and love they put into it!! I feel truly blessed! Thank you friends and family!!!

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