Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Irish Luck Please!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I'm hoping to find some Irish luck today!  When we went to Wisconsin, Mr. E thought it would be a good idea to buy Little Lion and Ipod Touch to keep him occupied.  LL loved the Ipod and used it a lot in the car!  It was a great $250 toy for him!  
So LL continued to enjoy the ipod for the past 2 weeks.  Well Sunday morning, Mr. E was in charge of LL as I was taking a shower.  Mr. E thought LL would enjoy playing with the Ipod.  Mr.E thought letting LL play with the Ipod would allow him to watch Battlestar Galactica.  They both got to do what they wanted.

30 minutes later I was ready to go.  I ask Mr. E where is the Ipod because I notice LL doesn't have it.  I don't know is the answer I get.  GREAT!  Mr. E thinks it's in the bedroom...nope.  I say did you let LL take it outside.  Again I don't know.  Sure enough I look outside and see the $250-2 week old Ipod sitting in a huge puddle of water next to LL water bowl that he plays with.  I run out to it and see it is soaked.  Does it turn on.....NOOOOO!  Who lets a 2 year old with a $250 toy outside near his water which is his favorite thing to play with outside????  DADDY!!!!

We google the problem and they suggest to put it in a bowl of rice.  Rice is a water absorber and should help get out the water.  There are no guarantees and Apple won't take it back.  The Ipod has been in rice for almost 48 hours.  We tried it yesterday and no such luck.  Today being a lucky Irish holiday, hopefully will help bring our Ipod back to life!  And this is why Daddy goes to work and Mommy stays home to WATCH Little Lion.  

Happy St. Patty's Day!  Here's to finding the gold at the end of the rainbow!