Thursday, December 1, 2011


Steve is the newest member of our family! He is our Christmas Elf! Also known as Elf on the Shelf. However, Steve is rather mischievous!! He likes to play during the night. Of course AFTER he stops by the North Pole to report to Santa on how well behaved Little Lion and Flower Power are during the day. Steve arrived like any other our mailbox!
He even came with an OFFICIAL letter from Santa! Little Lion was excited that Santa wrote to him!
After he arrived, our job was to name him. Mr.E had already planted the name Steve into LL's mind. Why you ask?? In honor of Steve Jobs (may he rest in peace). Mr.E is a BIG Apple fan. Anywho, Steve it is! Flower Power even checked out Steve. Don't mind the disheveled look, she just woke up.
After Steve's first trip to the North Pole to report the good behavior, he returned to our house to play. Steve decided to ride Little Lion's bike!. He was even safe and found a helmet from Flower Power's toy bowl.

Little Lion thought it was the funniest thing! He was even telling Steve other fun toys to check out tonight while he is sleeping! This is going to be a fun tradition and I can't wait to see what other shenanigans Steve gets into this month!!

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