Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby is a......

GIRL!!!!!! We think :) So my lovely daughter is stubborn like her Mama! We went for our ultrasound and she was NOT cooperating!!! She had her legs crossed and was not giving up the goods! I even did stomach rolls, jumped up and down, and nothing! Baby Girl did give a few glances where the tech didn't see any boy parts, but not enough for her liking. So the tech had me go to my dr appointment and then come back.

The second scan, Baby Girl, was a bit more cooperative ;) She did spread her legs a bit and the tech could see 3 lines, but not long enough to get a definite picture or a straight on shot. The tech, however, after looking at my expert u/s pictures (haha), said that she'd give 90% that the baby is a GIRL! And I'm going with it!!!!!!!!!!! A daughter on the way, such joy!! Here is a bad camera picture of the profile of baby girl.

We are going back on the 23rd for a verification check ;) Hopefully, she'll be cooperative and if not all pink for the baby boy!!! haha I'm super excited either way!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Congratulations!! Have fun perusing the PINK sections!