Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of Preschool!!

Way back in February, we signed Little Lion up for the 2 year old class at our local church preschool program. You wonder why so early, well getting into a good preschool is like getting into college :) It's a lottery system and you have to be one of the lucky few to be picked. It's easier to get in at the earliest level since you get dibs on the following years to come which is great since the school goes all the way up to preK. I was lucky enough to get the LAST spot in the Tuesday/Thursday class. Wooo Hooo!!

The school year finally arrived. LL is definitely ready to go...I hope :) Last Thursday was meet your teacher. We went and checked out the classroom and meet Mrs. W. This is Mrs. W's first year teaching the 2's. She seems very motherly and nurturing which is perfect for the little ones. Here is LL checking out all of the cool new toys he'll get to play with this year.

Any of you mom's out there know that the first day of school is a nerve racking day especially for Mom! I got all of Little Lion's supplies ready last night. There isn't much when you only go 2 days a week from 9-12 :) LL slept great last night and was a peach all morning long. Things are looking good. Here he is starting his day eating a yummy breakfast!
I got him all dressed cute. He HAD to wear his lion shirt.
Then he started being silly and sticking his hand in his pants....hmmm who could he have learned this from???? Such a ham!!He was all smiles in the car...the whole 2 minute drive ;)He enjoyed seeing all the Mommies and Daddies and kids waiting to start the school day.And then we walked into class......he was not so excited. He cried when I left and Mrs. W took him to soothe him. I too shed a few tears once I got to the car. I know this will be good for him and he'll enjoy it. I was praying he wouldn't cry the entire 3 hours. I kept myself busy with cleaning (post kitchen remodel) and we never got a phone call!!

At 11:45 Mr.E came home and we went to pick LL up. While we were waiting for noon, I read his progress sheet and he HAD A GOOD DAY!!! Yeah!! I could peek through the window and see him playing with toys and he went to the circle area and sat nicely. It was great to see!! When Mrs. W opened the door to release the kids, she called Leo to come out. AND HE CRIED AND WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. *inserts lots of Mommy's tears now!!!* I was crushed my baby who I've been with practically 24/7 since the day he was born was refusing me for some *lady* who he has only known for 3 hours!!! I was devasted! LL did eventually go to Daddy. Mr.E being the wonderful man that he is calmed me down to remind me what a great thing it is that he is happy with her and having a good time in class. I know that, but my feeling were hurt....ok my feelings were hurt because my baby didn't need me as much anymore. He's growing up *tear*! I guess this means it's time for another :)

Now he is out like a light! Preschool is hard work when you are 2!!
Let's hope this wonderful progress continues throughout the rest of the year! I hopefully won't shed any more tears either :)


Regina said...

Yay!!! Leo and Mom survived the first day of school! Don't worry, he still needs his Mom!

Dena said...

You're the one that got the last spot! :o) I ended up on the waiting list, but luckily got a call in June that a spot was open.