Friday, April 18, 2008

This is my child

So I have some weird tendencies ;)  One of which is how coordinated my toes are.  Yes that's right my toes.  Since becoming a mother, I have learned that carrying a heavy baby makes bending over difficult.  Well, I've become skilled at picking things up with my toes.  If I was holding Little Lion and I dropped something or needed to get a toy that Little Lion threw, I would use my toes to pick it up. It helped with my aching back from rocking/holding heavy Little Lion.  I, however, still pick things up with my toes. Call it laziness from bending over...I call it efficiency.  

So Mr. E and I went to LL Cool J at Universal on Saturday night.  We saw the Mardi Gras parade and of course got beads.....let me tell you grown men are crazy for beads and I got trampled and no there was no baring of any bosoms.  Anyway, we brought them home for Little Lion.  He had fun playing with them.  Well Little Lion dropped them on the floor.  He proceeded to try to pick them up with ......yes you are right.... his toes :)  Of course he didn't get them, but he was trying.  As the saying goes...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.   Mr. E affectionately calls them my monkey toes and now Little Lion has them too ;)

Here is a picture of Little Lion and his Mardi Gras beads....

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