Monday, April 21, 2008

Not again.....

So a flashback......

Little Lion was only 1 month old.  He was a horrible sleeper....still isn't great, but better.  After staying up all night long, I finally brought him to bed with Mr. E and I.  Well Little Lion was so wiggly that he whipped his hand up and hit me straight in the eye.  Now usually people have great reflexes, but when you are working on a few hours of sleep, reflexes are out the door.  When it happened I shot out of bed and got a wet wash cloth.  It didn't help.  However, I went to sleep...did I mention I was tired?  Well when I woke up, I couldn't open my eye without having excruciating pain.  So my other eye was watering and making it very hard to see.  I was in enough pain to make a doctor appointment.  I figured Little Lion had scratched my eye.  At the dr. appointment, the doctor didn't find a scratch on my eye but a round, finger sized indent. Little Lion got me good.  So for the next couple of days I had to put ointment in my eye and eye drops.  It took 3 days to even open my eye without pain.  It of course has healed, but still bothers me at times.

Flash forward to last night......

I was laying with Little Lion trying to put him to you see a theme here?....and he was wiggling around.  He clocked me in the eye again....ughhhhh  Luckily he didn't get his little fingers in there.  But it still hurt!!!  Eye drops will be my friend this week.  

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....I'm not so sure my eye finds the beauty in Little Lion ;o)

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