Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful for Family!

I've been seeing all over facebook the Thankful Countdown to Thanksgiving. People are listing everyday something they are thankful for. I thought I'll do something similar. So the next couple of posts are about all the things I'm thankful for ALWAYS!

 1. Mr. E! He is my best friend and loves me even when I'm crazy:) He is a fantastic father and has more patience than I do! He is the playful one in the family.  Mr. E is good at everything he does.  He is loyal, honest, and hardworking. Together we are a pretty good team even if we are both Leo's and crave attention.  
2. Little Lion!  My first born, soccer lovin', smart boy!  LL is an independent guy who relies on himself and takes control to figure things out on his own.  He is intelligent and makes sure we know how smart he is and tries to stump us.  LL loves to be in charge of his sister and play with her.  Snuggling at night is a must with him!
3. Flower Power! My crazy, fun, smart little girl. Yes I said girl! She is getting more and more independent everyday! She loves singing and dancing. She too is a self learner. FP is a cuddler! Every morning she needs to cuddle with her blanket and me which always starts the day off right!
4. My Parents! They are always helpful and would put my family before themselves. They adore their grandchildren! They are fun and active. They always play with the kids and bring presents.
5. My In-Laws! We may not always see eye to eye, they are always a phone call away. I'm thankful they live near by! They love their grandchildren maybe a little more than their own kids:) They are always making their house perfect for the kids and love having them over!
More Thankfulness to come......

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