Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Night

Yes this is a little behind, but I'm just now getting some down time from the busy fun filled week we had! Halloween was actually a perfect night! The weather was gorgeous, 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Both kids enjoyed going door to door and made it the whole time which is impressive for an almost 2 year old. Flower Power said Trick or Treat to all the neighbors and once she figured out she could get M&M's from most houses, she was all in!! Little Lion and his friends ran door to door and got a huge haul! Here is Fireman and Garden Gnome at the beginning of the evening.
Here are the cuties in our spooky yard!
My Dad was kind enough to come over and hand out candy to the trick or treaters while Mr. E and I both went with the kids. Actually he really just wanted to see all the kids :)
The only pic of us from the night. Mr.E was Spider Man...haha
Our group of kids!
And last but not last....the haul! Which we'll be eating for months!!!!
Now that Halloween is over....let the Holiday Season begin!!

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