Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End of Summer Fun

We are down to our last week of summer vacation. This past week we've been doing a few fun things around the house.

I made Little Lion a cape out of an old Tshirt. I've become a BIG fan of pinterest.com. I've gotten a lot of good ideas on it. So from here I followed directions (pictures:) It is VERY easy and I like easy!!

Here is LL in his "Flyer" as he calls it.
I love that he has his Superman shirt on too!

LL is going to school 4 days a week and I'm trying to expand LL's food repertoire.
He did try the ham, but not the bread. Hey it's progress.

LL reads really well as I've shown you in past blog posts. He, however, is not a fan of writing. We've been practicing daily. I wrote Dad. And one of my proudest Mom moments, LL wrote my name:)

Summer was fun, but I am ready for school to start. I understand now why Mom's are jumping at the bit for school. It's hard to entertain all day, every day. And this is why Mom's rock!

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