Monday, August 8, 2011

IFly Indoor Skydiving

As I stated in my last post...It's my birthday, It's my birthday, I'm going to party like it's my birthday!! We went to IFly Indoor Skydiving here in Otown. It was so much fun and a thrill to skydive (in a safe, non jumping out of a plane falling to your death way:) A, Mr.E and I along with my Mom and the kids got to the place and we watched the group in front of us. It was a little scary seeing these people floating above the ground, but everyone came out happy after and no one was hurt, so I knew I'd survive:)

We left Mom and the kids in the observation room as we went to our instruction class. And by class, I mean a 5 minute video on hand signals and proper body position.
Our instructor came back and we got geared up. Don't hate how beautiful we are :)
We thought we'd have a little fun and practice while we were waiting to head down to the wind tunnel.

Here we are anxiously awaiting our flights.
Here is Mr.E on his first flight. You can see that he is higher than the instructor.
I was next. I did really good and went to the top by myself. This just happens to be a picture of me down low, but I was looking at the camera;)
My niece A was next. She was a little nervous, but did fine.
For the second flight, you got to fly by yourself for a bit and then the instruction attached himself to you. The two of you did tricks...up and down and spins. VERY FUN!!! This is the instructor and me.
At the end you get your certificate and we got the DVD which I'll post later once we upload it to the computer.
This may be one of the coolest touristy things I've done in Orlando!! I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting! It's a bit pricey, but if you have an entertainment book there is a buy one, get one free coupon. Gotta love a deal;)

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