Friday, July 8, 2011

Final Mission!

Today was the final space shuttle launch EVER! Atlantis blasted off at 11:26. This morning we weren't so sure it was going to go off with only a 30% chance of the weather cooperating. However, with the luck the Florida has been having this week with Casey Anthony only having a 10% chance of getting off, and! I assumed it'd go off. So we left a little later than usual, but luckily didn't hit too crazy of traffic. It usually takes us 45 minutes to get to the coast, but it took us 1.5 hours. We lucked out and got a close spot at Jetty Park. Here is the family to commemorate the occasion!
There were a gazillion of people there! You could feel the excitement in the air!

When the shuttle went off, the crowd counted down and cheered! Since there were slight clouds, the shuttle kept going in and out of the clouds. The crowd cheered each time! We were even close enough to hear and feel the rumble! A feeling I hope never to forget!! Here is a video of the launch until Flower Power got too fussy. She didn't like the noise of the crowd and the video is shaky since I'm trying to make her feel better :)
It's sad what is going to happen to NASA now that the launches are done. It was interesting to see the reaction of the crowd. Some were very emotional.
My husband and his family attended the 1st launch and many in between. A circle is complete with Mr.E and his brother seeing the last. Launches have been a big part of their family! I'm glad LL and FP were able to experience the magic of space flight!
We'll miss you Atlantis, Discovery, and Endeavour!!!

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