Saturday, January 15, 2011


Little Lion's FAVORITE TV show is Wipeout! Its a game show where contestants face obstacles and most likely will wipeout while doing them. He loves the big balls! It's where the contestant has to jump from ball to ball to get to the other side.
LL enjoys reenacting this fun game on his trampoline. I take sidewalk chalk and draw 4 circles which he jumps onto. On this morning he's still wearing his jammies(yes I'm that mom that lets him play outside in the fenced in backyard in PJ's) and his cheese hat or as LL calls it his cheese helmet.

Sometimes he makes it across and sometimes he WIPESOUT!!! All on purpose of course.
Mommy has to play her jammies;o) I suggest watching the show! It's crazy to see these poor contestants crashing and wipingout all for $50,000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love watching wipeout, and love the cheesehead hat. Go Pack Go Aunt T