Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Review

I trust all of you have a very Merry Christmas! Flower Power's first Christmas was enjoyable...she slept a lot :) Little Lion got a lot of gifts and will be getting more next week for his birthday!! Overload!!!

Christmas Eve we went to Mr.E's family's house. Here are the sister-in-laws...we hold it together for the guys :)This is all the girls in the family...only 5 of us with 7 guys...we're trying to keep up since it was only 1 until the SIL's came along!!Bashi and Gramps with the grandkids.The kids opened presents.
While Flower Power slept :)Little Lion's favorite gift of the night was Rockem'Sockem' Robots.The adults did a white elephant gift exchange. Bashi got the Superman Snuggie.

Christmas morning, Santa came to our house.LL's big gift was a trampoline. He walked outside and said "Holy Kamoly!!" LL's favorite gift and the one he asked Santa for was a Giraffe. He liked it so much in fact that we had to have a family picture since FP got one too.
This is how FP spent the afternoon. So much in fact I painted her toenails out of boredom;o)

That evening, my parents came over and my brother and his girlfriend joined us later. My brother got LL a golf set which he really enjoyed.
Flower Power did what she does best...sleep :)Little Lion got another space shuttle. There has been a lot of counting backwards in our house!
Flower Power did manage to wake up for a family picture!

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