Saturday, September 4, 2010

Swear Words

Yup I'm talking about S-H-I-T! Little Lion is such a parrot right now that everything you say he repeats back and remembers!! So last week LL's Uncle was cleaning out the fish pond for Bashi and Gramps. Uncle T says "I hate this shit!" which prompted LL to repeat shit. I didn't yell at him, but informed him that is sassy words and Uncle T didn't mean to say it. I thought the issue was over...WRONG!

In the bathtub....2 days later.... LL says to me as I'm talking to my mom on the phone, "Uncle T says shit" I tell him again that is sassy words and if he says them he'll go to time out. My mom who is hearing only part of the conversation and asks what is going on. I tell her the above story and instead of saying shit, I spell it. I should have known my little speller would pick that up.

LL spells S-H-I-T now. He asked me what that spells and I said "Time Out" So now he thinks it's funny to spell shit and when asked what that spells, he states "Time Out" :) haha He's too smart for his own good! I'm sure his school teacher will love to hear him spell time out!

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