Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maybe a Drummer?

Little Lion as you know is obsessed with guitars. Well he also likes other instruments as well. He is into his keyboard, microphone to sing, and drums. We don't actually have a drum set, but we have the Rock Band drum set which he loves to bang on. So much in fact, that he BROKE off one of the drums!!!! Mr.E had to put a metal bracket on to hold it on and be able to endure the banging of our future musician ;)

His favorite store to visit is The Guitar Store. We've been there every week for the last month. He just walks around in awe of all the guitars. He plays on the keyboards. He watches the other patrons test out the instruments. And he enjoys playing the drums. Here LL is using all the drums they could. Notice the store does not provide drum sticks ;)

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