Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Early Christmas Present!

The time has come for a BIG announcement!!!! Little Lion will be a big brother in December!!!!! I'm almost 13 weeks and anxious to get to the honeymoon 2nd trimester as I'm still feeling nauseous and blah which is no fun with a 3 year old!! We went for our NT Scan today which showed a perfect little bundle of joy that was moving all over! So much in fact that he/she didn't want to cooperate with the tech to get a good picture of the neck fold. I had to keep moving from one side to the other to try and get he/she to the correct position. The tech finally got a good picture. Here he/she is ;)
I tried really hard to get the tech to take a look at the gender, but she was ADAMANT to not look because it was too early. However, I know about the angle of the dangle and I wanted to see. Oh Well. My big ultrasound will be July 30th!! I don't know if I can wait that long!!

Now I need to think of a good blog name for he/she...hmmmm....Cubby, Littlest Lion, Lioness in training :) I guess maybe I'll need to wait to find out the gender. Yippee for new additions to the family!!!


Liz said...

CONGRATULATIONS on the happy news!! So excited for you!

Regina said...

So cute!! I can't wait till July 30 too!!!! I want to know :o)