Monday, June 15, 2009

A Candy Filled Luau!

One of our good friends turned FORTY this past week. His wonderful wife through him a Luau party. For his gift I thought he needed a gag gift :) I got a little crafty....ok I stole the idea from the internet ;) I made him a Candy Poem. It's a funny poem where you place certain candies for words. Here's the poem in case you'd like to *borrow* it too!
Happy 40th Birthday _________!
Now that you’ve reached 40…..
Do you hear a SYMPHONY of SNICKERS?
Do your bones KRACKEL and CRUNCH?
Have you gotten a little CHUNKY and a JELLY BELLY?
Have your WHOPPERS turned to MILK DUDS?
Do you feel that you’re somewhere TWIX adolescence and the old folks home?
Are you having a midlife crisis and looking for new CARS?
Are you too old to be S_____’s SUGAR DADDY and make SUGAR BABIES?
Don’t worry; we still think you are worth a 100 GRAND!
There are many GOOD&PLENTY years ahead of you!
If you ROLLOver from eating all this candy, remember everyone will still think you are a HOT TAMALE!

And the outcome....with all the mess.
The gift was a hit! The birthday boy thought is was fantastic and couldn't wait to eat it ;)

The party was a blast! There was swimming, drinking, eating, drinking, slip-n-sliding, drinking, and even hula girls! Check out the hulaing of the birthday boy!!!
Here is a picture of the happy couple and half naked beautiful hula girls :)
Thanks for inviting us! We had a great time! We hope the next 40 years are just as great!!!

1 comment:

Sharen said...

Thank YOU for coming! It was a blast and we are just grateful to have had our dear friends help celebrate his birthday! =)