As you can tell I've been busy with no new entry this week. Swim lessons have been taking up our mornings and leaving Mommy and Little Lion tired. Well we had a small crisis this week with our dishwasher. On Tuesday, we had a playdate in the afternoon. I of course being the great housekeeper that I am *insert sarcasm here*, started doing dishes a few minutes before they arrived. I thought I turned the dishwasher on while we went for our walk around the neighborhood. Wednesday morning, I went into the dishwasher to grab a glass and thought WOW Mr. E was awesome for dumping out the excess water that pools on top of the glasses. So I took a glass and fork and went on with my day.
Mr. E comes home from work and goes to get a glass....did I mention I was a great housekeeper???? Yes the dishes are still in the dishwasher that afternoon. Anyway, Mr. E is like Ewwwww these are dirty....Did you turn the dishwasher on???? I thought I had, but with the rush of the playdate, I could have forgotten. So I started it again after I had my Ewww moment of realizing I drank out of a dirty cup and ate with a used fork, and why would Mr. E help out in the cleaning department.
This morning I get up to make breakfast and grab a glass. Mr. E had grabbed a glass as well and left the dishwasher open. Wow how nice of him to dump the water.....Wait a minute he didn't do it last time, why would he do that now???? Yes the dishwasher didn't wash the dishes. Now I know for a fact that I have turned this stupid thing on!!! The water wasn't coming through to wash the dishes. I turn it on again. It sounds fine. I open it and nothing is blocking where the water would come out....hmmmm. I call the GE mom ;) She tells me that she knew some people who had the exact same thing happen with their dishwasher....GREAT....How did they fix it I ask? They sold their house....well that's not going to work for us! Poor buyers of that house.
My mom asked if I tried any other cycles. I didn't, and pushed the pots and pans cycle. Wouldn't you know it starts to work. And just like our lives the *Normal* cycle doesn't work ;)