Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Parade

This is the first year that LL has actually gotten into Halloween costumes and what he was going to be. At first he couldn't make up his mind. It was Hulk, School Glue, a Ghost, a Crying Pumpkin, and finally he decided on Mario from Super Mario Brothers. Mr. E wanted to buy the costume, but I thought hey this is an easy costume to make! A red shirt (got it), jean overalls (borrowed it), and a red hat (took a free one from the Home Depot paint department and spray painted it) and added the white M.

Sounds good doesn't it. Well the day of LL's school Halloween Parade, he DOESN'T want to wear any of it!!!!!!!!!!! After tears from all parties involved (yes pregnancy hormones are in full force), LL just wore a red shirt and jean shorts. He wouldn't even wear the hat for me. However, when his class came out. He did have the hat on. At least he kind of looked like Mario.
Here is his class and teacher when they first came out.
A close up of Mario. Can you tell he still didn't really want to wear his costume??
They then walked through the pumpkin patch. However, the M blew off in the wind. There goes the costume all together. (Really I tried!)
Here's LL realizing that his M is gone. LL and his friend C were really upset it was gone. But no fear, Mommy found the M in the parking lot and I'll hot glue it on for trick or treating ;)
Hopefully on Halloween, LL will want to wear his full costume and give me some better pictures of his cuteness!

After school, LL's friend C came over. The boys started their own band...The Mario Buzz Band!! Good name, huh???

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