Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Soccer Game=Fail!!

Little Lion's first soccer game was on Saturday. All started out well when they got their jerseys. LL is number 7 just like Dad was back in the day ;)
He was doing a great job running around the field with his teammates.
However, once the game started, it went downhill FAST!!!! He didn't want to play and when it was his turn to play he started crying and crying! Then he decided he wanted to get down, but took off running all the way across the field to the next field over. He did this TWICE!!!! Both times I had to run after him and we walked to the car and had discussions. I was embarrassed to be the Mom to THAT child!! He finally calmed down enough to go out, but the game was over;( We lost and I'm sure it's because Little Lion's great soccer skills were missed...haha

He was kind of cooperative for his team picture. As soon as we got home I put him down for a nap. He usually naps in the afternoon, but after all his crabbiness and no nap the day before because of our beach trip, he was OUT!!! LL was in a much better mood after his nap. I hope next Saturday will be better. I'm pretty sure it can't be worse ;)

1 comment:

Regina said...

Sounds like fun! I have a feeling DB will be the exact same way!