Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter weekend was a blur with all the family activities!! However, readers, that means many blog posts to come. I won't bombard you in one day, but give you something to look forward to ;)

First up is the yearly Easter Egg dying! Little Lion was definitely more into it this year! He thought it was *ewwwww* when we added the dye pellets to the vinegar.After the initial ewwww factor, LL enjoyed watching the pellets fizzle.He helped the process along by stirring the mixture. However, I stopped that quick when I realized dye was going through the paper onto my pretty new granite counter tops ;)LL enjoyed dunking the eggs into the colors. He was very specific as to what colors HE wanted!What did we do with all the eggs we dyed?? I made a sweet little nest for them to be displayed on the big island in the kitchen. Such Easter Fun!!

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