Monday, September 5, 2011

Meet the Teacher

PreK is almost here!! Mamma can't wait!! Little Lion on the other hand is probably ready to stay home some more:) He starts school tomorrow. This is the 3rd year LL has been at this preschool. He is the big man on campus:) Last week we went to Meet the Teacher. Here is how we entice (bribe) the teacher.It says Wishing you a Marvelous and Magnificent school year with M&M's.
How did I get Little Lion into the classroom? With his favorite past! I think he's going to be a meteorologist when he grows up. He checks the radar daily!
Then he saw Dad's favorite store play area...Home Depot!Then he decided to warm up a bit with his teacher Mrs.Jennings by showing her the weather:)
See too obsessed with weather to look at the camera!

I'm sure he'll do great this year! I look forward to this being his last year before he starts the BIG school with all the fun he'll have:)

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