Friday, March 25, 2011

Pool Time!

It's finally (yes, I say that bragging for my northern friends...haha) warm enough for the pool :) Little Lion loves and the pool and Flower Power loves the bath. So I figured she'd love the pool too. We went to my parents' pool since they heat it to 85 :) Here is my cutie baby in her swimsuit!
We put a big ole hat on her to keep the sun out. She loved it!
You must think the water tastes delicious since her hands were always in her mouth! It's salt water, no chlorine, no worries people! Here are the bathing beauties!
Spending time with Grandma and PopPop was a blast!!!

When we got out, my Mom brought LL his new cool Spider towel and was giving LL's old lion hooded towel to FP. LL had a fit! He wanted his lion towel...he is a lion after all:) So here's FP snuggled with SPIDERS!!
And what happens after your first time in the pool?? A big long nap!!
I can't wait to go again and neither can the kids!! Welcome warm Florida weather!!

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