Friday, February 11, 2011

School Time!

I feel I've been blogging about Flower Power a lot lately. She is growing so quickly and doing new things daily. Little Lion on the other hand has become a typical 4 year old boy....running from the camera ;) However, I need to recognize that he too is growing quickly and learning new things! LL has been going to "school" since last year. Last year he only went 2 days and this year 3 and next year 4 and then to kindergarten for a full week...insert tears here!!!

Every week at his school, students from the class are recognized for Fruit of the Week. It sounds silly but it's traits God wants the children to show. This week the Fruit was Cherries which represents Love. LL was selected by his teacher. I'm not sure how much love he shows at school, but here at home, LL shows it a lot! He tells me daily that he loves me and always kisses FP on the head which melts my heart!! Here is my proud boy!

One of the items LL needed to work on was writing his name. I've been trying to get him to practice. His name is very easy to write and only 3 letters! However, when I try he gets the L but then gives up or gets uninterested. Ok, fine, I'm not going to be that mom who pushes. Well we were doing Valentines and I wanted him to sign his name. Would he...No!! Well Mr.E tried to bribe him with letting him stay up for a bit and watch tv in our bed. He still didn't want to. pushing remember;)

Well the following evening, LL is coloring and proceeds to write his whole name!!! And then adds ok I want to watch tv in bed;O) Mr. E and I cheered which made him laugh. Here's a closer view! Am I saving this paper...sure am!!!
Proud Mama of a great kid!!

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