Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Greatest Show On Earth!

Little Lion's Grandma had the brain idea to take the grandkids to the circus today. Mr. E and I decided to go along and help out the with 3 kids aged 2,3,&4. I wasn't sure how our day was going to go considering that LL started off like this!However, once we got there everyone was happy and very excited! It was their first time being in the arena. There was A LOT going on!!
The important things are the food...popcorn...and the souvenirs....light up toys :) All of this before the show even started!!! Here are some show pics.

The highlight for me was Little Lion! He was so into the show and the acrobats and the flyers!! He laughed with delight, clapped with joy, and danced like a fool! It brought tears to my eyes that he's finally old enough to understand and enjoy these types of things. And it was so cute to hear him ohhhh and ahhhhh when he saw the trampoline jumpers ;) Love this boy!!!
And poor little M, she fell asleep through half of the show, but Mr. E was a good Uncle and snuggled her :) I definitely think the circus will be on our *Must Do* list for next year!!!

1 comment:

Dena said...

We haven't done the circus, but I know Hunter would LOVE it!