Monday, December 10, 2012

Flower Power!

Dear Flower Power,
      You are my baby, but quickly turning into a little girl who is independent, cheerful, brave, funny, loving, and talkative already!
You follow your brother around and try to do everything he does. You love to kiss his head and make him laugh anyway you can especially tickling him!
Your favorites are M&M's, Cheese Puffs, Fruit Roll Ups, and McDonald's french fries. Yes a sweet tooth indeed! However, you try new foods and eat well!

You love to sing and dance! Kindermusic is a blast! You can sing your version of the ABC's and can count to 10. You do all the hand motions to the classics.
You are very curious and like to learn things! You could watch YouTube videos of songs all day long. You have little fear which scares Mommy! You'd hang from the ceiling if I let you!
All in All I'm proud to be your Mommy and look forward to seeing what the Terrible Two's bring us! Love you forever and ever,

All fantastic pictures by Dena at Everyday Moments Photography. These are just a few of the many gorgeous pictures from FP's 2yr old photo shoot! She has taken pictures of Flower Power since she was a baby!

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