Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Kissing Hand


Yesterday the 2nd day of school, I cried!  Why, you ask?? We rode our bike to school and then just let him go.....BY HIMSELF!! He walked right into school like a big boy and away he went.  The first day we walked him to class.  So I knew he was there and happy and taken care of by Mrs.P.  Today, he did it himself...A KINDERGARTENER, my Kindergartener!  Pass the tissues!

Tonight, while putting LL to bed, I reminded him that I cry when he leaves for school because I miss him and love him.  He tells me I don't have to cry anymore.  I don't?? I ask him. He says, "Yes, here I'll show you!" He gets out of bed (which I think is a ploy at staying up later because what could he show me that could possibly make me not miss him while at school.)  He takes me to the refrigerator and points to this.
The first day of school, his class read the story of The Kissing Hand. It's about a young raccoon named Chester. Chester is sad and afraid to go to school. Mrs. Raccoon comforts Chester by showing him the secret of the kissing hand. Chester's Mom takes her son’s paw and kisses it, filling him with warm fuzzies. She explains, "Now whenever you feel lonely and need a little loving from home, just press your hand to your cheek and think, ‘Mommy loves you. Mommy loves you.

So Leo wanted me to know that his *I Love You* handprint is there to comfort me when I feel sad and lonely. Just like when Chester was sad and lonely at school. AWWW Love that boy! He definitely got lots of kisses and love yous back in bed!!!

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