Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Night!

Whooo Hooo! The rain stopped and the sun came out. It was actually quite nice minus the mosquitoes! It even was a little cool which worked out perfect for Flower Power to wear her ladybug costume.
We took some family pictures in our spooky graveyard.

My parents came over to man the house while we went trick or treating.
Our ToT clan.
This is what happens on ToT overload! Sleeping with your favorite candy!!
Hope you had sweet dreams;o)

Rainy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! However, it is raining in sunny Florida!!! So Little Lion's Halloween parade was cancelled for the parents....booooooo!!!!!!! They were still celebrating in class though. Little Lion dressed up as the Red Angry Bird! This was his first year that he picked out his costume and a Mommy homemade one wasn't going to do. Good thing I can still dress Flower Power :) Here is step one of the costume....big belly!
Then the costume.
Flower Power just wore an outfit for the day. She'll dress up tonight for trick or treating.
Then it was time to go to school. Getting him in the car in his carseat was too funny!!
We did try and take a few rainy outdoor pictures.

Hoping tonight will be dry and good for ghosts and ghouls :) Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Spooky House!

Sorry I've been lacking with the blogging! Between the garage sale, getting ready for a friends baby shower, and Flower Power walking requiring a lot of attention, I've been busy! Mr.E has also been traveling half the month, but still managed to get our Halloween decorations out in the front yard. This year we are making a scary front door.
He still has to add the pop up ghost, the smoke machine, and music. I hope it doesn't scare the little kids too much :)

We have our usual graveyard of bones and spooky pumpkin patch.
I've got 10 bags of candy and am ready for the trick or treaters!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Garage Sale!

These past couple of weeks, I have been in a cleaning out mood! With Christmas and both kids birthdays in the next couple of months, I figured we needed to clear out some toys to make room for new ones. Well after going through the toys, I decided to go through each room. The first day of organizing (selling junk).
And the pile got bigger.
And bigger, I had to add a clothes rack and move everything to walk through.
Luckily our community garage sale coincided with my purging. My mom, who helped a lot, got all SIX tables filled a couple days before.
The garage sale was a success! We had many people stop by and bought most of the goods! Just in time to fill the house back up again!
And I even got enough money to pay for some new Kenneth Cole sparkly shoes :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let's Compare

Look down a few posts and see my pumpkin patch pictures......

Now look at the fantastic ones Dena at Everyday Moments Photography takes!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10.5 MONTHS!!!!!!!!


My baby is getting too big, too fast!! I'm not ready for her to be mobile especially this soon! I'm sure it doesn't help having a big brother who is super fun;o) I see baby gates and lots of baby proofing in my future!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

Little Lion's school has a pumpkin patch every year. Dena and I decided to take our kids for a little evening fun and pictures. I was excited to take Flower Power for her first visit! At first she was fine with it.
Then she decided she wasn't.
But sitting on a blanket was better.
Little Lion had no problem in the hay!
LL enjoyed the all the different places to run and play.
And my cuties together! Fall is HERE!!

Now to start finishing up our scary decorations and getting ready for Halloween!

Monday, October 10, 2011

5 Under 6!

My Mother-in-law turned the big 6-0 last week. So for her birthday, all of the grandkids got together to get pictures taken. Since we've had two new additions since the last grandkids picture, it was time. Of course our wonderful photographer, Dena from Everyday Moments took the pictures :) There are 5 grandkids and all under the age of 6!! Dena had her work cut out for her! Here are some highlights.

And the funny pictures! I love the baby girls :) They are only 6 weeks apart and full of so much personality!!!

Gorgeous Grandkids!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy 10 Month Birthday FP!

Eeekkk double digits!! That means it's time for first birthday planning for Flower Power to start! Since we are a big Halloween people here, it's only appropriate to celebrate in a Halloween fashion!
Little Lion even helped. He took this picture!
I think his are better than mine! Anyhow, Flower Power is getting very mobile! She has started army crawling, but prefers to cruise! She can go from one side of the couch to the other over and over and over. I just put toys on the couch and she's happy as a lark to stand and play! She also has started standing by herself for second or two. FP even took a step a few times, but we aren't counting it because I'm not ready for a walker :)

We started giving Flower Power meats this month and she likes them! Her favorite are chicken nuggets (what kids isn't??). Any chicken she can get her hands on, she eats! She likes ham, but only chunks not sliced and roast beef sliced. Because she has a large desire to eat, FP has gotten a little chunky :) I'm interested to see her stats at the dr next week! And now my favorite picture of the day! Brave Flower Power!! This pumpkin head is our newest addition to the Halloween Extravaganza! Flower Power is looking forward to the show :)