Saturday, October 10, 2009

Halloween Spooktacular!

Today we went to SeaWorld to trick or treat with Shamu and friends! Besides the fact that it was HOT (109 when we got to the car...ugh It's October!), we had a blast!! We just realized that the new roller coaster Manta has an aquarium beneath the ride. It was really cool. You could stand in a room that was all glass and the stingrays were swimming all around you. It also had beautiful fish tanks. You could even get your picture in one....don't mind the silly face. I just hit my head on the top of the glass. I guess it's made for kids not adults ;)(All pics are from the iphone, sorry for not great quality)Then we hit the usual penguins, sharks, and horses before the Spooktacular event! SeaWorld had many sea creatures out and about as well as trick or treating stations.Leo really liked the pumpkin fish! He was NOT happy getting his picture taken with mom!Because he wanted to do it himself! We got 2 bag full of candy. They had a variety of treats....nerds, gummy creatures, suckers, cool markers, pretzels, and even bananas! Here we are at a station. I was shocked that LL wasn't scared of the sea creatures. Most of them were fish or mermaids, but we did find some bugs.Another hit of the day was the bubble stops!We were hot and tired after going through the Halloween madness. So naps for all of us. Our day didn't end here, we went to dinner at Chilli's. On the way there LL decided he was a cool dude!So cool he even wanted you to know it ;)Then we headed over to the grandparents where LL's cousins J and M were there, but J was asleep. So LL and M were lounging around after playing hard!What a nice family day we had! I think we'll have to hit up SeaWorld one more time before Halloween for some more fun!

1 comment:

Regina said...

Ahh! Looks like fun! Great pics!I'm trying to decide if it's worth buying a pass now (it expires in Dec) or waiting till January so that I get a whole year of fun (provided they still do the "buy a day, get a year")