Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kitchen Remodel Day 1 *edited*

Since LL is napping, I figured I'd show you the progress of the kitchen so far. Here is what the kitchen looked like this morning. It's all cleared out of our stuff and boy oh boy do we have a lot of stuff! It is now happily sitting in our dining room ;)
LL and I had an errand to run an hour after they started and my Dad came to *house* sit ;) He only took a few pictures and none that were too great...kinda like Jay's from Ameritiles :) Here is the peninsula minus the top and wall. Frank and his men are doing a fine job and are very friendly. They are efficient and being careful about getting the job right. Here they are and the progress they had made once I had gotten home....only 2 hours later!!!!

As you can see our family room is a cave and to get to it, we have to walk through our bedroom out to the lanai and through the screen door. These 2 weeks are going to be fabulous! *insert lots of sarcasm*

I'll be posting more pictures of today's work later. Jay and the plumber are coming over later to layout the island. So the plumber will be able to move the plumbing in the right spot tomorrow and the electrician can get power over to it.

Keep checking back!!!!!

OK the demo men have left the building! Here is the cleaned up, empty kitchen. It's all ready to be beautiful! And I even got Frank in the pic this time :)

1 comment:

Regina said...

I can't wait to see it all done!!! What did you decide on for lighting over the island?