Friday, January 29, 2010

Bouncing Cousins

Today we headed over to our local Bounce House with Little Lion's cousins J & M. The boys had so much fun! Here they are peering over the edge of the slide.M wasn't too sure about all the jumping. So she hung out with the kiddie toys.And some cute video of the boys jumping;o)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Greatest Show On Earth!

Little Lion's Grandma had the brain idea to take the grandkids to the circus today. Mr. E and I decided to go along and help out the with 3 kids aged 2,3,&4. I wasn't sure how our day was going to go considering that LL started off like this!However, once we got there everyone was happy and very excited! It was their first time being in the arena. There was A LOT going on!!
The important things are the food...popcorn...and the souvenirs....light up toys :) All of this before the show even started!!! Here are some show pics.

The highlight for me was Little Lion! He was so into the show and the acrobats and the flyers!! He laughed with delight, clapped with joy, and danced like a fool! It brought tears to my eyes that he's finally old enough to understand and enjoy these types of things. And it was so cute to hear him ohhhh and ahhhhh when he saw the trampoline jumpers ;) Love this boy!!!
And poor little M, she fell asleep through half of the show, but Mr. E was a good Uncle and snuggled her :) I definitely think the circus will be on our *Must Do* list for next year!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This Picture Has a Story;o)

One of my high school friends tagged me in her blog. I thought it was cute way to show off a random picture and get some of my friends who haven't blogged in awhile to blog :)

Here are the rules:

1. Open your first photo folder
2. Scroll down to the 10th picture in your folder (if you don't have 10 pictures, go to the next folder that does)
3. Post that photo and tell your story behind the photo.
4. Tag 5 friends to do the same
What a silly picture!!! This is one of the outtake pictures from our family Christmas photo shoot. It looks like LL is giving gang symbols and that he is "down with that" :) But in reality we were trying to get him to show he was 2 years old. Here is the picture that really shows he's two. Or giving us the peace was the holiday season :)So I am *tagging* Regina, Tara, Shelley, Sharen, Michelle, and Dena!!!!! I expect results ladies!!!! haha

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wow Wow Wubbzy Cake AND Cupcakes

I'm on Wow Wow Wubbzy Overload!!!
He is a cute little guy, but after making a cake and cupcakes for Little Lion's birthday, I'm tired of him :)For LL's birthday party I decided to make a Wow Wow Wubbzy cake because LL is OBSESSED with him! He could watch him all day if I let him!

I used the template found at I made 2 9x13 cakes....from a box (I'm not that fancy :) I made the main cake thicker than the leg/arms/tail cake for depth. I put the templates on the skinny cake and cut them out.The body of WWW was easy as it's just a rectangle with some ears. I put the body down and placed the cut outs underneath the body. I mixed up some yellow frosting by using the Walton yellow gel food coloring dye. I frosted the cake and then used a ziplock baggie with the tip cut off to get the harder parts around the outside. That way, I didn't get as many crumbs in the frosting. For the final touches, I used black icing prebought in a tube. I just outlined the body,arms,legs, and tail. I followed the WWW face pattern and Viola :) The cake was a hit at the party. Little Lion loved it and knew exactly who it was. In his words....Wow Wow Wow :)

Little Lion was in charge of bring snacks this week for school. I thought a cake wouldn't be easy for the teacher and 12-3year olds. So I decided cupcakes. I looked all over and found on the internet this idea which I stole :) It was basically the only WWW cupcake that didn't include the plastic topper things. It was easy, but time consuming. I made again :) I frosted them with the same yellow frosting. The time consuming part was making the hands and tail. I drew a hand and traced it on yellow construction paper. The lady on the website that I stole it from used yellow file folders. I cut them took an hour!!!For WWW's tail, I took foot long pipe cleaners and cut them in half. I zig zagged them for the true WWW look ;) I stuck them into the cupcakes and added a black eyes/nose/mouth with the skinny gel tube.CUTE!!! Here is the platter of Wubbzy's ;)I did send the teacher a note to make sure to take off the tail and arms so the 3 year olds won't eat it ;) LL's teacher had no idea who Wubbzy was, but all the kids knew instantly when they got them! I think I did a good job. And yes you can pass The Mommy of The Year Award :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Baby is THREE!!!

Yesterday was Little Lion's THIRD birthday!!!! He had such an exciting day!! It all started with his favorite frosted donuts from Dunkin Donuts.

Three donuts later, we finished cleaning up the house for our family party and got ready ourselves.
We put our his Birthday Lion. It's a tradition that we hope to continue :)
Saturday we did our actual birthday fun. We took LL to see Alvin and the Chipmunks Squeakuel. He did really well for his first movie experience :) For lunch we went to his favorite restaurant...TACO BELL! Now before you pass the mother of the year award to me, LL doesn't eat anything there. He just likes to jump the big tiles and likes the pictures of *scary guys* (Taco Bell Monsters). And like his mother he LOVES Coke, so he gets's his birthday people!!!After LL's nap was party time!! He was anxious for it, so he only took a short nap.Here is his Wow Wow Wubbzy Cake (directions will follow in the next blog which I'll post tomorrow). And all the loot!!PopPop and LL were playing the guitars.Time to blow out the candles.He got some help from his cousins M and J.YUMMY! Mommy and LL enjoying Wubbzy ;)Some of his loot.

And all of our wonderful family!

How did LL end the night??? With more cake of course :)What a great day! I love that little boy so much!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Where in the World is Little Lion???

Last night, Mr.E and I started the tv show Dexter. While we were watching Little Lion was playing. He went out into the Living Room to play....I assumed :) After it being quiet in there for sometime, I sent Mr.E to check on him. You know what they say...when a child is being quiet that usually means MISCHIEF!!!! Mr.E calls me out. Can you find LL????HMMM There he is!!!He decided to climb up onto the windowsill from the couch to stand and watch the Christmas lights from the window!!!! I love how we open the curtains and he waves HI ;) Ahh the joys of boys ;)

Belated Christmas

Better late than never :) Here is our Christmas in review! It was one of the nicest Christmases we've had. I think part of the reason is because Little Lion is starting to understand what Christmas is all about. He really likes Ho Ho (Santa), but not enough to sit on his lap! LL got a ton of presents and has more to come with his 3rd birthday tomorrow! Here he is with some of his favorite presents ;)

Mr. E and I got some nice gifts too :)

And thought I'd show you this cute picture of Grandma and PopPop and LL.Here's to another 362 days until the next the Christmas!!